What I'm Doing Now

Michael Julius
May 8, 2024

Spring HeatherThe spring is undeniable and I'm in love with a woman who knows the names of things.Fen, she texts with a dictionary link
...thinking about words that are related to spring time
and vernal pools...
and spring peepers in vernal pools
blood root will be blooming soon
and starflowers 💫
She hard stops her bicycle on Vermont gravel roads to investigate what I now see, bursting from the ground everywhere.heard the first wood thrush of the season!!

FatheringLet me summarize my current efforts: I get up after I fall down, again and again. This practice, powered by the most essential love, is the reward. Still hard though.

In which I march confidently into the Keep on the BorderlandsI'm the new 'ER Psych Nurse'. Level 1. Exciting!The department head is out twice over with shoulder surgery. So it's just me in the Keep, next to the ambulance entrance, and down the hall from the glorious chaos (the, uh, ER).

Rowing uphillWriting poetry everyday, or at least poetic practice-- lines, ideas, images.Do your lines do your lines do your linesI'm not going to lie, it's alternately difficult and baffling, with glimmers of joy. It's very interesting, however. I'm not certain where I'll end up.

I think I've harpooned that Aeld white whaleMy perpetually (un)prepped D&D game may yet make it to the boat! More to come, after I've sufficiently mixed enough metaphors.And prep, I gotta prep.